Halloween Math Pranks (Excerpt)

Halloween Math Pranks?   On a recent Halloween, I found myself, as a civic club volunteer, passing out candy at a Boys/Girls Club Halloween Party.  It was a last-minute opportunity, with little planning, and as the first volunteer to arrive, I had to decide logistics/rules.  As kids came through, I began to ask their school levels.  […]

Was Your Favorite Teacher Punctual?

Think back to your days in school – at any level.  Can you name your favorite teachers?  Could be kindergarten, could be post-graduate advisor.  Pick your three favorite.  My guess is that most of us can probably do this fairly easily. Now take another moment to think seriously and identify the reason(s) that each of […]

Isn’t Teaching a Hiring Priority?

Having worked with future teachers, I’ve written a lot of references for teaching jobs.  I’ve recently had occasion to respond to a couple more.  As a result I’ve noticed (again) a fascinating, puzzling – and highly frustrating – phenomenon. The two most recent recommendations were for different schools of different sizes in different areas of […]

Top 3 Educational Resolutions for 2022

It’s resolution-making time, of course. Why not consider adding the cause of education to your list of things to help improve this year?  There is still time to include your Top 3 Educational Resolutions for this year!  The good news is there are many opportunities, and this will be easy, because YOU are going to […]

Facts, Fears, and Perspectives

Further, I guess I don’t even see any real harm in asking tougher questions like “have some institutions, laws, etc actually undermined progress in eliminating racism?”  If the answer is no, there was no harm in asking.  If the answer is yes, there is plenty of harm in not asking.

Critical Race Theory: What do you THINK?

Talk about ‘hot-button words’! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much passion (dare I say fear?) generated by such a nebulously defined (at least to me, at this point) topic!  And so, we have our latest controversy in society and in education. This will not be a column about Critical Race Theory (CRT) itself. […]

The Teacher, the Shooter, and the Hug

Every so often it feels appropriate, even called for, to share a story, mostly without comment.  This seems like one of those times.  The story appeared in Education Week (via the Associated Press), and has been edited, for space reasons. Rigby , Idaho – When a student opened fire at an Idaho middle school, teacher Krista […]