Beware the Trojan Horse?

If there’s anything to the idea of reincarnation, then I’m going to go way out on a limb and suggest that Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick might have once been the PR point man for the Greeks in their battle with Troy.  I can imagine the piece he would have written about that large horse sitting […]

Outside-the-Classroom Help for Schools

I had the good fortune recently to learn of a great program that, among other things, connects older adults with younger students who have educational and other needs.  It’s been in existence for a while, so maybe it’s only been me that wasn’t as aware of it as I should have been. Sometimes I get […]

Teachers’ Shots & Student Understanding

Two topics have been pulling at me recently.  Here’s a quick look at both: Back to School. And Teachers.  Again. Back-to-school talk is growing, and it seems almost everyone is on board.  Parents, for the most part, are anxious (and of course, one empathizes with many of the reasons).  Students themselves seem excited – also […]

Dropping Out, Dropping In, and Learning

As much energy as we spend worrying about drop-outs (and I’m NOT saying that’s bad!), I’ve often wondered if it wouldn’t be wise to spend as much or more energy devising a way to make it easier to ‘drop back in’ to the appropriate place in the community educational system (GE programs, adult high schools, etc.) when a young adult sees the need, wants the opportunity, and has discovered the ever-important motivation?