Halloween Math Pranks (Excerpt)

Halloween Math Pranks?  

On a recent Halloween, I found myself, as a civic club volunteer, passing out candy at a Boys/Girls Club Halloween Party.  It was a last-minute opportunity, with little planning, and as the first volunteer to arrive, I had to decide logistics/rules.  As kids came through, I began to ask their school levels.  Then I’d point to one of the two baskets of candy, and say “OK, this is the third grade (or whatever) basket – take some!”
Soon I randomly changed to asking their favorite subject.  One of the visitors responded “math”.  I spontaneously replied – “OH! Then you get a handful from both baskets!!”
Well. Word travels fast!  Soon, almost every child mysteriously had a favorite subject of math!  As you might imagine, I never once fact-checked their claims.
So, I ask you:  who were the prank-ERs and the prank-EEs?  The kids cleverly snagged extra candy, but I got the delightful opportunity to hear dozens of kids saying that math was their favorite subject!  I’m still smiling.

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