Is Calvin’s Miss Wormwood Unhappy?

It’s not breaking news that I believe there should be a University course entitled “Calvin & Hobbes for Future Teachers”, and that it should be required for all future teachers of all levels and disciplines. So, I was intrigued when I recently encountered an old article about the Calvin & Hobbes strip and its creator […]

Dad Jokes!

NOTE:  Many, but not all, of the earliest items are taken from either Dad Jokes by Kit and Andrew Chilvers or The World’s Greatest Collection of Dad Jokes from Shiloh Run Press.  Later ones from a variety of sources. Added 8/24/20: Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control […]

Non-Sequiters, Charters, Cursive, and More

This column started with a desire to share a quick plug for a fun little book I recently encountered.  Before I could find an appropriate time/spot to drop it in, I began to collect other ‘recommended reading’ from a variety of sources.  All these related to recent column topics or general oft-discussed themes.  So, we’ll […]

Will Cursive Writing Disappear?

“My grandkids cannot read or write cursive.  What is your opinion on teaching or not teaching cursive writing in school?” The e-mail, from my friend Allan Schilter (name used with his permission), caught me by surprise.  I confess I hadn’t thought much about this, though it’s clear that cursive writing is used less and less […]