Is Calvin’s Miss Wormwood Unhappy?

Image result for calvin and hobbes miss wormwood
It’s not breaking news that I believe there should be a University course entitled “Calvin & Hobbes for Future Teachers”, and that it should be required for all future teachers of all levels and disciplines.
So, I was intrigued when I recently encountered an old article about the Calvin & Hobbes strip and its creator Bill Watterson.  Part of the article contained some interesting commentaries from Watterson about the strip’s various characters.  In mentioning Calvin’s teacher-and-frequent-nemesis, Miss Wormwood, he makes the following comment:

“I think she seriously believes in the value of education, so needless to say, she’s an unhappy person.”

Did that remark stop you in your tracks as quickly as it did for me?  Especially with the ‘needless to say’ phase thrown in for good measure?  Surely Watterson is not trying to suggest that education is of no value?!
Somehow, I don’t think so, but the remark seems a little puzzling and therefore thought-provoking.  So – no surprise – I’ve been thinking about this.  I’ve developed some tentative early thoughts or conjectures.  We’ll likely never know his exact thinking.
These are my own early musings.  I’d be interested in hearing any readers’ thoughts, as well.  Perhaps I’m over-thinking this?

  1. It seems clear that Watterson is referring to education in the narrowest sense; that is, the kind we get in schools. The parts of our educations that are supplied by parents, religion, society, and life itself doesn’t seem to be in the picture here. Perhaps that’s obvious, but perhaps it’s worth mentioning?  After all, Mark Twain apparently said he never let his schooling interfere with his education.
  2. Maybe Watterson’s remark isn’t so terribly surprising after all. Indeed, it almost seems like the kind of irreverent-but-humorous remark his own Calvin might make to Hobbes. And I think one of the strengths of Watterson’s comic strip, as it relates to education, is that the very nature and humor of Calvin’s often-irreverent remarks tend to supply a valuable perspective on some of the pitfalls and foibles of our classrooms and our education system in a non-threatening manner.  Seeing something from another perspective – especially with humor – often forces an awareness we might otherwise not have noticed.
  3. All that said, I really don’t think I believe that Watterson is saying education is of no value. Indeed, I think there’s a chance he might be hinting at exactly the opposite, intentionally or otherwise. Miss Wormwood, like almost any current teacher, has essentially chosen a no-win profession.  The goal – providing our students the best possible education – is so easy to agree upon, especially if you’re painting in broad strokes. And yet the execution of that goal is so immensely complex and difficult to achieve at a variety of levels.  Miss Wormwood’s dealings with the likes of Calvin in one small classroom are just the narrowest possible manifestations of the myriad of hurdles that teachers, administrators, and school boards must face daily!  And none of those issues yield to easy, synergistic solutions.  Solutions in one area often create new problems in another.

Educators choose this profession, and most of them love it, with all the challenges.  So perhaps ‘unhappy’ is rarely the right word for any educator, including Miss Wormwood.  But I could sure understand how they could, and can, be often frustrated.  And yet, the joyful daily successes they achieve in the face of these frustrations is probably good evidence of how valuable their profession is.

4 thoughts on “Is Calvin’s Miss Wormwood Unhappy?

  1. The best teachers I have known were/are never completely happy with the results for any group of students. Good/great teachers want all of their students to reach their full potential in understanding and being able to apply what they have learned. In my experience, that never happened in any of the classes I taught.
    Since so many of the factors that affect a student’s learning cannot be controlled by teachers, they will inevitably be “unhappy.” The best teachers are never satisfied with the results of the teaching – they are always looking for a more effective activity, problem, question, etc.
    Now, whether the creator of Calvin and Hobbes was thinking about this when he made his comment, we will never know.

    1. Good thoughts, as always, Terry!! And so true.
      Like you, I’d like to know what – other than ‘onry-ness’ – was in Watterson’s mind. 🙂

  2. It’s not about the teachers, it’s about the student. Some students, like my wife, are avidly wanting to learn and loving to work hard. Other students, like me, are like Calvin. The double edge is that he worked hard on framing his question but is unwilling to work to get a useful education. Miss Wormwood should be happy that Calvin is not the only kid in the class, but he is smart enough to ask a good question.

    1. As you know, Dan, I enjoy your contributions, which are always interesting. Obviously, motivation plays a part in ANY learning, formal or otherwise – it’s one of MANY factors that enter into the equation!! But, teachers can affect motivation, so I’m not sure it’s fair to say it’s ‘not about the teachers’. 🙂 It’s not either/or, of course, it’s ‘about’ ALL the factors that affect education. (Though I’m not sure this column was ‘about’ any of them in particular.)

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