Wild Cards! October 5, 2015

Aspens in Durango!  At one of the stops on the Photographer’s Train (see Photo above), the Aspens were incredibly gorgeous!!  Everyone else was taking pictures of the steam engine; I was getting shots of the scenery!!  To see a few of my favorites, see DurangoAspens.  I’d be interested in knowing YOUR favorite(s)!

Moose on the Loose!!  While exploring in downtown Durango the day before the train trip, I began hearing a rumor that there was a moose down by the (Animas) River.  Since I was eventually headed there to hike anyway,  I high-tailed it on down there, and got there just in time to see the moose near/in the river for awhile before it went up the hill (shown in the pictures).  To see a gallery of these ‘moose shots’, see DurangoMoose.

Krazy Pic – Boy, do I feel like this some days!!  I’m glad there’s a place that recognizes it with humor!  🙂  If you’re over 48 (and even if you’re not), you’ll love this!  See KrPic15-26

Brilliant Idea!  Just in time for Halloween . . . a GREAT use for cookie cutters!!  (Not what you might think).  See BrilliantIdea4.

October Brain Teasers  Time for a new collection of BTs – we’ll likely add some each week all month.   No math needed on any of today’s first 3 – I think you’ll like them!  See October15BT.

Colonoscopies?!  Recently, I read an excerpt about a column Dave Barry, national humor columnist, had written, citing hilarious things alledgedly said after such procedures.  (My favorite was “Can you write a note for my wife saying my head was NOT up there?”)  So, I went hunting for the whole column.  I found it, but also found a better (and even funnier) version (without the quotes).  Only Dave Barry could make you laugh while presenting a serious message.  If you want to laugh, read this:  DaveBarry.  If you’re over 50 and haven’t had one, or – like me – have been putting off your next one, you should DEFINITELY read this!