Wild Cards – May 20, 2019

Krazy Pic 1  Looks like this might have come from the ’50s?  The original sentiment is noble (for a 50s ad, anyway?), but it doesn’t seem to be phrased too well.

Krazy Pic 2  Truth in advertising, maybe?  I’m just not quite sure here. 🙂

Deep Philosophical Question of the Week Am I featuring Calvin and Hobbes too much lately?  I can’t help it!  This should keep you pondering all week (even while you’re trying to forget!)

Guest Voice – Velda Brotherton!  One of everyone’s inspirations at Oghma Creative Media!  After a stint writing for a New York publisher back in the day, she has settled in comfortably with Oghma and others, and continues to write from her home, perched on the side of a mountain in Arkansas’ Ozark National Forest.  This fascinating & touching piece, taken from her blog, details her visit to a couple – married 73 years! – who have always lived in a cabin in Delaney, AR near the aforementioned Forest.  Read it (and learn more about Velda and her ‘sexy, dark, and gritty’ novels!) at A Bond Never Broken.

Guest Voices: I say this very time I use a Guest Voice, but it’s still true.  I’m always on the lookout for Guest Voices of all shapes, sizes, and varieties!  Why not consider sharing something?  Check out these (purposefully) very rough guidelines, and see what you think.  Would love to hear from you.  (Don’t forget – I’m also happy to have Guest Photos as well.)

Brain Teasers – Last Call! At least for the current Mar/Apr/May collection anyway.  (New ones next mailing.)  Two more BTs added (from a ‘kid’s section’ – beware!), and a new BONUS (which is probably too easy for a bonus?).  Help us break a record for number of submitters!!  Check them all out, find one (or more) that you like, and join the fun.  

June Birthdays  We may do this again next time, but it’ll be June before then, so here’s a list of (known) birthdays of subscribers.

Charter Schools – and (Who Else?) Betsy DeVos  There is abundant evidence that charter schools are way-too-often not being good stewards of public (taxpayer) monies.  In spite of this, Betsy DeVos (through the US Dept of Education) continues to seemly blindly throw obscene amounts of money at them. Why?  When and how can we say “Enough!!”?! Last week’s column in the Springfield News-Leader.


Quote for the Week

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

-Thomas Jefferson