Wild Cards! – Mar 7, 2016

Krazy Pic Surely thou dost protest a bit much?  See KrPicMar7.

Joke for the Week  This gentleman has figured a way to ‘take it with him’.  Or has he?  See Jokes.

Cartoon of the Week  Leave it to Herman to not ‘see’ things correctly! See EyeExam.

BT Solutions  For answers (and successful submitters) for February’s BTs, see Solutions.

March BTs  Here are the first two starter brain teasers for March. See MarBTs.

Wait – Say Again?  Got this old-fashioned ‘offer’ in the mail this week and was actually looking through it. (Pen includes stylus for a cell phone, which my fat fingers could use.)  Ran across this line and experienced one of those “whoa!” moments.  Had to read it 3 or 4 times. I’m not being too critical – I do this stuff a lot, but I know our proofreader would not have allowed this! 🙂  For a good grin, see UnlimitedOffer. 🙂

The Three A’s  The most recent column in the News-Leader was the first of a two-part series focused on Academics, Arts, and Athletics (The Three A’s).  This one focuses more on athletics in general – not just for students – and contains some ‘wish I could forget’ personal memories.  🙂  To read more, see 3A’s.Pt1.  (Part 2 actually appears today [Mar 7] if you’re interested – and will be shared next week.)


Thought for the Week:  

It is strange that men are in such hast to get fame as teachers rather than knowledge as learners.   Henry David Thoreu