Wild Cards! – Jan 4, 2016

Krazy Pic – Ouch. This gives a whole new meaning to “A guy goes into a bar . . .”.  See KP16.1

Joke of the Week/Month(?) – Still testing the ‘Joke of . . .’ idea.  If you like them (well, the idea, anyway, if not individual jokes :-)), let me know.  Also: weekly, monthly, themes, etc?  Today’s joke continues the “Guy goes into a bar . .” theme above.  See Joke.

Cartoon of the Week – How could I resist a cartoon that not only continues the theme (above), but also A) could involve math teachers, and B) is a legitimate-but-subtle brain teaser at the same time?  Simply view it as a parody or view and engage!  See MathTypesInBar.  🙂

Flooding!  As you may know, the Ozarks area was hit with 8 – 12 inches of rain in late December.  From our perspective, the water on Lake Taneycomo got higher than either of the floods in ’08 or ’11.  To see pictures from our vantage point, see TaneycomoFlooding.

Brain Teaser Solutions – For solutions (and solvers) to December’s Brain Teasers, see BT Solns.    January’s BTs will start appearing next week (though if you need a fix, see the Cartoon above.)

January Birthdays – To see the known January birthdays of subscribers, see January BDs.

Longer School Years?  I’ve said before that going to school longer isn’t necessarily a benefit if we’re not focused on quality in what we deliver.  This was the subject of my last column in the Springfield News Leader.  To see more, click LongerSchoolYear?

This Weekly Sharing is being delivered on 1/4/16.  We could notate that as 20/22 /24 , where the exponents are consecutive even digits!  This phenomenon will only happen one more time this century – and then not until  April 16, 2064.  Celebrate responsibly!  🙂