Wild Cards! – Jan 11, 2016

Krazy Pic – I wonder if they meant this the way it sounds?  See KrPic16.2

Joke for the Week – What do you get if you cross an insomniac, a dyslexic, and an agnostic?  See Riddle for the answer.

Purple Cow Addendum – Surely you’ve heard the famous light verse about the Purple Cow?  Surely.  It’s one of my two favorite such nonsense rhymes.  I never knew there was a ‘rest of the story’  to it!!  The author apparently wrote a follow-up poem a couple of years later.  I laughed so hard when I read it!  For both poems and more details, see PurpleCow.

Poisonous Quotes – I recently re-discovered a book of this name (I really should organize my old MSU stuff better!).  Some of these are great!  It claims to contain “the most caustic quips ever to scorch paper.”  I’ll let you be the judge – here’s the first sample:  PoisonQuotes

Math Comic – Don’t run from this one – it’s cute and funny.  Shared this past week by subscriber Anita Dixon. Watch these cowpokes ’round up’ their herd: Math Comic (1)

January Brain Teasers –  Here are the first 4 Brain Teasers for January, along with this month’s BONUS and a NEW FEATURE!  Check out the Exploration, which is interesting and does NOT have to be connected to a BT (unless you choose).  See JanBTs.


Thought for the Week:  

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.  Lao Tzu