Wild Cards! – Feb 15, 2016

Krazy Pic  I’ll admit I’m a ‘rules follower’, but I’m a little confused here.  Suggestions? See KrPicFeb15

Joke of the Week  Were he still alive, he might re-think that.  🙂 See Joke.Feb15

Crazy (Eerie!)  Coincidences Ever run into some of those coincidences that just seem amazing?!  Here are a couple of them.   One of them involves two women named Pat Campbell, each of whom had studied cosmetics!! Now there’s a coincidence on top of a coincidence!!  See Coincidences.

Cartoon of the Week  With Calvin and Hobbes to demonstrate, we rediscover that there is always another perspective.  See C&H.TV

Brain Teasers  Due to being out of town for 2 weeks, these 5 for today will complete ALL the Feb BTs.  You’ll find all of these within reach, I think, and you’ll have two weeks to work on them.  See FebBTs.

Making Progress in Neutral  All of us need ‘think time’, but teachers may need it more than most, and rarely get it!!  This was the idea behind last week’s News-Leader column.  To read more, in blog version, visit Time2Think.


Thought for the Week:  

If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track, which has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.  Joseph Campbell


Humorous Quote for the Week:  

America is the only country where a significant portion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real, but the moon landing was faked.  David Letterman