March, April, May ’19 Brain Teasers

NOTE:  Newest BTs in red, Bonuses in blue, comments in green, updates in purple. In 1982, T.R. Benker set a joke-telling record.  He told jokes continuously for 1803 minutes.  How much longer than one day did he tell jokes? The widest street in the world is the Monumental Axis in Brasilia, Brazil.  It has 6 […]

Goodbye 50 Coins: Wrapping Up the Adventures

In the past two columns, we’ve had fun with an anecdote centered on Marilyn vos Savant and we’ve taken a related side trip into teaching/encouraging creativity in general.  It’s now time to put a final bow on this whole 50Coins/Marilyn/problem-solving/creativity discussion and move on, don’t you think? Perhaps you’ll recall that this whole adventure started […]

Calvin & Hobbes, Marilyn, and Developing Creativity

Previously in this space, we had some fun recalling an anecdote involving one of Marilyn vos Savant’s long-ago columns and connecting it to one of her very recent columns. We also explored the educational issues involved and asked some pertinent questions about finding creative solutions to general problems, including when one could ‘break the rules’, […]