Calvin & Hobbes, Bullying, and Bad Examples

Back in September, we explored the pros and cons of trying to ‘teach morality’ in schools.   That column has bounced around in my head since then.  Partly this is due to lots of points we didn’t have space to address.  Partly this is due to another excellent cartoon from one of our favorite philosophers, Calvin […]

Halloween Pranks and Library Thanks

Downsizing the odds & ends file: Halloween Math Pranks?   Last Halloween, I found myself, as a civic club volunteer, passing out candy at a Boys/Girls Club Halloween Party.  It was a last-minute opportunity, with little planning, and as the first volunteer to arrive, I had to decide logistics/rules.  As kids came through, I began to […]

All Numbers Are Interesting – Proof

Claim:  All Numbers are Interesting Proof:  We prove this by contradiction:  Suppose there were numbers that weren’t interesting.  Collect them all up, so that now you have the set of all numbers that aren’t interesting.  Now look at the smallest number in this set*.  What you have is the smallest number that is not interesting.  Now that’s interesting!  Whoops – we just […]