Brain Teasers – May/June ’20

NOTE:  Newest BTs in red, Bonuses in blue, comments in green, updates in purple. What kind of cheese is made backwards? 🙂 What word begins and ends with ‘e’, but only has one letter? The integer 1234 is not divisible by 11. By re-arranging the digits, can you find one or more integers that are divisible […]

“Rear Window” Views into the Educational Courtyard

One of our quarantine pastimes has been watching old movies. Just recently, we saw Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 classic “Rear Window”, starring Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly.  With those three movie giants, it was bound to be good. Stewart’s character is essentially quarantined in his apartment for weeks with a broken leg, while his possible fiancé […]

Top Ten Signs – Updates

Top Ten List Items in red below are the ones I am (or have been) guilty of.  Items in green are related comments. 10. Your personalized license plate reads MATH-4U 9. When practicing social distancing, you insist on ‘two meters’ space rather than ‘six feet’. 8. You tee off in golf, and instead of yelling […]

COVID19 and Forced Home-Schooling

Late last year, I shared parts of a humorous blog from a father who had helped chaperone his kindergartner’s field trip to a pumpkin patch.  The piece was a clever tribute to teachers. I closed that column this way:  “I’ve often thought that every non-teaching adult, as a rite of passage, should be required to […]

Quarantine Diary

Quarantine Diary Day 1 – I Can Do This!! Got enough food and wine to last a month! Day 2 – Opening my 8th bottle of Wine. I fear wine supplies might not last! Day 3 – Strawberries: Some have 210 seeds, some have 235 seeds. Who Knew?? Day 4 – 8:00pm. Removed my Day […]