Pesky Puzzlers

NEW!  Pesky Puzzler 24.9:  Who’s On First?

Harvey owes Sam $27.00.  Sam owes Fred $6.00 and Albert $15.30.  If, with Sam’s permission, Harvey pays off Sam’s debt to Albert, how much does he still owe Sam?


Previous Puzzlers (Some are omitted for logistical reasons.)

PP 24.8  A couple of (hopefully) easier ones.

  1. What is the value of this fraction?  (6 – 9 x 7) / (6 + 4 x 3)  -57/18.  Or -19/6
  2. A palindrome is a number (of more than one digit) that reads the same forwards and backwards.  How many palindromes are there between 1 & 100?  (Optional extra:  Between 1 & 1000?) 99


A man divides his cattle among his four sons so that the oldest son gets 1/2 the herd, the next son 1/4, the next 1/5, and the youngest son the remaining 20 cows. How many cattle are in the herd?  The man has 400 cattle in his herd.  (Trial and error, a little fraction work, or simple algebra will yield the solution.)


A milkman has 2 empty jugs:  a 3-gallon jug and a 5-gallon jug.  How can he measure exactly ONE gallon of milk without wasting any mile?  1. Fill the 3-gallon jug and pour it into the 5-gallon jug.  2. Re-fill the 3-gallon jug and pour it into the partially-filled 5-gallon jug.  3. When that jug is full, what remains in the 3-gallon jug will be one gallon.


1.  How many natural numbers are between the square roots of 8 & 80?  Six.  (SQRT 8 is just less than 3, and SQRT 80 is not quite 9. So the natural #s between them would be 3,4,5,6,7, & 8.)

2. What’s the largest three-digit number divisible by both 7 & 9?  945

BONUS:  How many nonzero perfect squares can be displayed on an eight-digit calculator?  9999


1.  If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?  Nine.

2.  A man shaves several times a day, but still has a beard.  How can that be? He is a barber.

3. What can you hold in your left hand, but not your right? Your right elbow (or arm, etc).

4. If you throw a White rock into the Red Sea, what would it become? Wet

BONUS:  What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? Silence

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