The Photo/Sharing Mailing of 4/16/18

The bi-weekly Photo/Sharing mailing of 4/16/18 contained a distinct difference from almost all previous such mailings.  The entire second section (where other features like Aunt Edna, Verses, Guest Voices, Math Tidbits, and other Updates usually reside) was missing.  To see the mailing again, visit Apr16Mailing. I did indeed have subscribers take up the challenge and mention some discrepancies – and […]

The Calendar Cubes Problem

Problem Statement:  Arrange the digits from 0 – 9 on two blank cubes, in order to be able to form a ‘date calendar’ which will be able to denote any given day of each month. Solution/Discussion:  The fun thing about this problem is that there’s one subtle thing you have to notice first, and then, […]