Halloween Math Pranks (Excerpt)

Halloween Math Pranks?   On a recent Halloween, I found myself, as a civic club volunteer, passing out candy at a Boys/Girls Club Halloween Party.  It was a last-minute opportunity, with little planning, and as the first volunteer to arrive, I had to decide logistics/rules.  As kids came through, I began to ask their school levels.  […]

Brain Teasers – Fall ’22

NOTE:  Newest BTs in red, Bonuses in blue, comments in green, updates in purple.  For reminders on ways to submit answers, see below. Always, sometimes, or never?  A given rectangle is also a square. What’s the second smallest 3-digit palindromic prime?  A) 111 B) 131  C) 313  D)  None of the above  E)  No answer possible. […]