Pesky Puzzler 24.3

HOPEFULLY-EASY RIDDLES? Let’s try to make up for the over-complicated Puzzle from last time!  Here are some good old standard riddles. (Perhaps you’ve heard some of them?)  For this Puzzle, answer ANY ONE of them and get credit (and recognition :-)).  Extra credit for more than one answer! 1.  If two’s company and three’s a crowd, […]

Curiosity of the Week Tidbits

Curiosity of the Week:  In July 1950, a patent was issued for an automatic spaghetti-spinning fork.    VARIOUS SOURCES USED:  The Book of Useless Information (Publications International, Ltd);  Isacc Asimov’s Book of Facts (Wings Books); More Fascinating Facts (David Louis, Crown Publishers); others from the web in some form. Previous Curiosities: May 27, 2024: The only manmade structure visible […]

Solution – Puzzler V

Here’s a two part Puzzler that should be fun.  The answers are related and when you find out how, you’ll have a big clue. (There may be alternate acceptable answers to each part). SOLUTION(S): A)  What is mathematically special about the Zip Code for Savannah, Georgia?  I first saw this fact from another direction, so I […]