A Dozen Years Later . . . The Gap Year Phenomenon

I received some interesting comments related to the previous two columns about starting school at different ages.  One of them had an unexpected twist: “. . . what do you think about students taking [a gap year] ‘off’ after high school before they go on to college, technical school, trade school, etc?” 
It was an interesting question, and in light of the previous two topics, it was an interesting connection as well!  I was intrigued.  I hadn’t thought about the similarities of the two ideas.  In a real sense, we’re dealing with the concept of a ‘gap year’ on each end of the K-12 spectrum.
Similarities  There are indeed similarities.  Each choice involves deliberately delaying a year of education.  And in each case, such a decision is usually made in the name of further individual development, either socially or academically, or both.  (And sometimes– though this is controversial – in the name physical development for later sports participation.) 
Differences  But there are important difference as well:  In one case, we’re talking about a delay for ‘readiness’ reasons, mixed with allowing another year of actual childhood.  In the other case, the delay is for a variety of reasons, usually dealing with gaining more perspective and ‘life experiences’.  And, in some sense, ‘finishing’ childhood and entering adulthood.
In one case, the decision to delay almost certainly rests with the parents/guardians.  In the other, the decision is usually made by the student.
In one case, the delay is almost always at a set age for a fixed time of one year.  On the other end of the scale, while the traditional ‘gap year’ is often between high school and further schooling, and usually for one year, the options are practically endless. 
Some take a ‘gap year’ after two years of college, while still others take the year after undergraduate schooling and before post-grad schooling or entering a career.  (Our son did exactly that, by the way.)  Usually, the gap is for one year, but it could easily be more (or less).
Background/History I had thought that the notion of a ‘gap year’, at least as we now know it, was relatively new.  And I think the growing popularity of such years has indeed developed more recently.   But, according to various web sources, the idea first became common in the 1960s.  And while the time is identified, there are two sources often mentioned. 
There is a train of thought that gap years started as cultural exchanges, designed among governments as a useful tool to create global awareness and understanding in an attempt to prevent further world wars from occurring.  (Incidentally, having been the recipient of a much shorter cultural/business/educational exchange in the 80s, I can see how very valuable such experiences can be in that regard.)
Other sources point to the baby boom generation (and hippies in particular?) growing up and wanting to make a break with their parents’ culture, politics, and frequent wars.  Incidentally, this apparently also marked an increase in spiritually motivated trips to India, with one oft-traveled trail becoming the forerunner of future backpacking traditions.
Wrap Up Let’s return to the original question and the educational perspective.  I certainly don’t feel that gap years are a necessity.  But it does appear that a traditional gap year can indeed be quite a valuable experience for the student, both short- and long-range.  Princeton’s Dean of Admissions, Fred Hargadon has said, “I am convinced that one’s college education is greatly enhanced by the maturity, experience, and perspective a student can bring post gap year.”
And indeed, that’s part of what a good education is supposed to be about, right?
Student Services / Gap Year Info