From Heloise to the Horse Trader

Time for a couple of those loose ends that don’t quite make a column on their own.  Hope you enjoy.

1. Hints from Helosie

I don’t generally have much need for the latest great tips for vinegar and baking soda or things to do if I plan to be married soon. So, I rarely read the Hints from Heloise column.  But when the headline teaser (SNL, 9/23) read “Respect America’s Teachers”, I obviously dove in. 
I can’t replicate the entire note from ‘Karen in Wisconsin’, but the first two short paragraphs give a good idea: 

“Dear Heloise:  As schoolchildren go back to their desks and books, I’m reminded of how difficult it is to teach . . . today.  In other countries, children are taught to respect their teachers.  I don’t see it here in the U.S.

We’ve taken away all authority from our teachers, blamed them if a student fails in class and made teaching an unattractive profession.”

That last sentence alone highlights three of my favorite topics, as you probably know.  I won’t do much more today than say “Amen!” to most of the above sentiments, but it provides a chance to sneak in another favorite appeal:  Take time TODAY to thank (and support) your favorite teacher(s), and encourage your favorite student(s) to do the same!

2. The Horse Trader Revisited

Not unlike Patrick Mahomes, the Horse Trader brainteaser continues to amaze with its ability to grab attention, amuse, and instruct.  I enjoyed the responses I got from the last column, of which the teaser played a starring role.
Quick reminder:  A man buys a horse for $60, sells it for $70, buys it back for $80, and then sells it for $90.  Did the man make any money, and if so, how much?
First, I’m confessing a self-inflicted mistake.  The calculator-sequence example I gave does not yield the display I said it did, due to my omitting the words ‘start with 60’ before starting the sequence.  Only one reader called me on it (at least by e-mail), or I’d still not have caught it.  Thanks to that reader!  I’d prefer to believe others just took my word for it.
The most fun occurred with the various solutions that readers sent.  These solutions were generally eloquent and convincing, but did not always agree, and produced much of the usual variety I’ve become used to seeing.  One solution argued (again, convincingly) that the horse trader broke even, which was not one of the ‘usual suspects’ I mentioned. It is, however, also a frequent response.  (Perhaps I left that out on purpose?)
In a related event, the teacher of the class involved in the column sent me a packet of hand-written letters from the students mentioned in the original column.  They were both delightful and encouraging, with some enlightened observations.  Relating to today’s discussion, I guess my favorite response was something like “send us the answer to the Horse Trader problem!”
Ah, yes, ‘The Answer’!?  Naturally, I’ve had several inquiries about that.  So, I PROMISE to provide/confirm that to anyone who requests it by e-mail.  (See below).
In the meantime, at the risk of inviting anger, I’d like to officially defer in print. I’m not (intentionally) trying to be a pain, I’d just like to give another chance for other solutions and responses.  Do you think the horse trader make a profit?
Final hint/question:  Would your reasoning change if (for the same 4 amounts) the man bought/sold a horse, then bought/sold something else, say a piece of furniture?

2 thoughts on “From Heloise to the Horse Trader

  1. Well of course the trick is to eliminate the words, “the same horse”. If you treat it as two separate, unconnected trades, you have it. My wife answered it in less than five seconds, but she is good at that.

    1. Hi Dan! Yes, a few folks took that same approach – or similar, with another object the 2nd time.
      Funny, my wife originally got it practically instantly, also, and she hates math. But for her, it wasn’t math, it was business, so she was on her own home field, so to speak. 🙂

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