Another Three-Part Detour

Really, it’s my own fault.  I should never suggest the likely direction of the next column.  Inevitably, the Universe conspires to change my mind.  This time it did so in triplicate.  Brief highlights:

1. The Awards.

I recently attended a conference where state-wide teaching awards were presented.  Excerpts from nomination packets were read, and two of those contained comments from students.  Allow me to quote in part:

“So, let me start by saying you are fantastic:  a fantastic teacher and person.  I know I’m annoying and disruptive at times and that I like to ask a lot of questions.  I’m so thankful for you taking the time to answer those questions.  I have no idea why you decided to become a teacher, but if it was to make a difference in student’s lives, you’ve done it.”

“She is by far the nicest teacher I have ever met in my eight years of education.  (Laughter all around.)  [She] accomplished the impossible, she made math fun!  She was always there to help.  I have no idea how a single person can sustain that much knowledge in their brains, like her. (More grins.)  She created an interest in learning for me.  Any student who has [her] is lucky.”

QUICK COMMENTS:  A) These are simply the winners.  Please, let’s not forget these types of miracles are happening in every school every day, and are largely unnoticed.  Please go thank your nearest teacher(s).  B)  Who says kids can’t write?  My heavy editing notwithstanding, these expressions are well written, self-aware, descriptive, and heartfelt.  Again, go thank your nearest teacher (and support your nearest student).

2.The Quote.

After much urging, I’ve finally started (and now finished) the highly acclaimed WWII novel The Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah.  Very early on, I ran into the following (condensed) exchange:

“Mademoiselle Rossignol,” Madame said.  “How is it that you have graced our halls for two years and learned so little?”

“Isabelle smiled up at Madame. “Generally, Madame, the failing of a student to learn is the failing of the teacher to teach.”

QUICK COMMENTS:  A) Touche!  You go, girl!  We always cheer for the underdog, and in the book, it’s clear Madame had it coming.  (Though, perhaps you’ll suspect Isabelle paid dearly for that zinger.)   B)  But, oh, my! So much to explore here! Is Isabelle on solid ground here?  Do good teachers sometimes have students who don’t learn?  Do good doctors sometimes have patients who don’t heal?

3.Math Anxiety Op-Ed.

A recent guest columnist piece on math anxiety, written by Sian Beilock, President of Barnard College.  (Springfield News-Leader, Sunday, Dec 9, p. I1) I was/am intrigued for a variety of reasons and I am still sorting through my own very mixed reactions. 
My interest is likely obvious. And my experience is extensive.   Both in introductory classes for non-majors, and especially later with future elementary teachers, I saw all manners and varieties of the affliction – up close and personal.  Allow me to briefly share two strong opinions from those experiences.  First (at the risk of being too ‘soft’), math anxiety is real.  So, to help eliminate – or at least diminish it – especially in future teachers, it must be first honored and accepted.  It is amazing how much that simple step helps reap rewards.  But second (at the risk of being too ‘harsh’), it is NOT a disability.  To label it as such is to victimize and hamstring the bearer and enable a condition that can be overcome.  So much more to say.
Having said (and not said) all of that, who knows where the next column will lead?