Travel & Education: Notes from the River

Francis Bacon said “Travel in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience”.  I would rephrase that:  Travel, for all ages, is both experience and education.
Why am I waxing so philosophical here?  It’s because of the Big Missouri River Adventure I’m on as you read this.  Beginning on July 31, I began a 45-day trip (by car) along the Missouri River from Three Forks, Montana (the River’s official -not actual-  source) to north of St. Louis, where it empties into the Mississippi.  I arrive there approximately September 10.
Newspaper columns for dates in that span were sent in ahead of time.  I didn’t quite realize I’d be writing one ‘from the road/river’ as it were, but I’m inspired to talk more about travel, learning, and education.
I’m learning a lot out on this trip already.  Oh, yes, I’m learning some new facts, lots of them!  For instance, Lewis and Clark county in Montana (where Helena, the Capital, is located) consists of over 3300 square miles(!) – more than the area of Rhode Island and Connecticut combined!  I used to think “Big Sky Country” was a slogan – now I think it’s an understatement!
And I’m obviously learning more about Lewis and Clark than I remember learning in school – and it’s fascinating!!  And it’s much more real than it was in the classroom.
But I’m learning more than facts, too.  It dawns on me that I’m not just exploring the Missouri River.  I’m exploring America itself, or at least a part of it, and its people.  I encounter new people – not online!- either in passing or in depth, every day, and 99.37% are great people!!  Like many of us, I suppose, I’ve grown cynical over the years of what I view as ‘false patriotism’, as spouted by many of our politicians.   But, I tell you:  I’m barely half way done with this trip, and I’m feeling better – by far – about America and its people than I’ve felt in years!
And there’s more.  I’m also discovering that – like any adventure – I’m exploring myself as well.  Just yesterday (as I write this), I got to ride through the country where “Dances with Wolves” was filmed.  It’s so magnificently BIG and beautiful as to be awe-inspiring!  Continually.  My host’s father says “Folks who say there’s nothing to see don’t know what they’re looking at!”   Why is it that these majestic views – and more – touch me in places I’d almost forgotten I had?
OK, OK.  Not everyone can (or would want!) to engage in such a long travel trip/adventure.  So, let’s bring this back closer to home.  Earlier this summer, before I left, there were some discussions in David Hough’s column – and with his readers – about educational things students could do this summer, while not in the classroom proper.  There were some good ones.  Summer’s almost over, but let me add another, and not just for summer.  Take a trip, even as short as a day!  Our area is FULL of marvelous adventures within a day or weekend away.  Find one you and/or the kids like and go there!!  It’s good for the mind, the body, and the soul!  It’s education!
PS:  Yes, I am writing a periodic blog as I go.  Weekly reports, pictures, facts and stories.  You’re welcome to tag along!  If you’re interested, just let me know by e-mail, or go to my site at, where you can learn more and sign up yourself.