The Three A’s – Part 1

Back in August, I wrote a column suggesting that we all suffer when ‘the arts’ are neglected in our school curricula. (See the column at  ‘the arts’?)
Today, I’d like to live a little more dangerously, and take a first quick look at the role of athletics in our lives and our schools.  We’ll tie both of these together next time.
Like it or not, for good or not, athletics does have an affect on our lives, especially as participants, fans, parents, teachers. For my own part, several personal scenes immediately pop to mind.  To me, these are all related.
SCENE 1:  Greencastle, Indiana, late 60s.  I’m just starting my nomadic sojourn through graduate school(s).  My wife is teaching 6th grade and is expected to coach her class’ football and basketball teams.  I gladly offer to help.
We have fun with the kids and I have fun playing coach.  Unfortunately, this includes questioning nearly every officiating call made in every game we played.  At times, these 6th graders are more mature than I am.  My new wife decides to write me out of the will.
SCENE 2:  Southwest Missouri, late 70s.  For a Fall or two, I decide to officiate some local high school football games on Friday nights.  Wow! Those coaches and fans (and parents!) can sure take these games way too seriously!  I’m glad I’ve matured since my Greencastle days.
SCENE 3:  Southwest Missouri, Winter 1994.  As a good parent, I attend ‘our’ high school’s basketball game to cheer on the team.  I get caught up in the excitement – as do others – and we loudly begin to help the two officials, who are clearly missing some obvious calls.  Soon, those crazy fans from the other team, who have the same poor vision as the refs have become part of the enemy.
In the middle of one of my yells, I wake up, catch a glimpse of us, and wonder if some of those fans might consider us as obnoxious as they seem to be.
After the game, I notice the players and coaches all shaking hands, and I’m thinking that might not be such a bad idea for opposing fans as well. The players have left on good terms – have we?
SCENE 4:  Victoria, British Columbia, Fall 1994.  At a math teachers’ conference, a music teacher comes up to visit after my talk.  He says he attends conventions of other disciplines to get other good ideas – WOW!  Anyway, among other things, he suggests that ‘the three R’s’ ought to be ‘the three A’s’ – Academics, Arts, and Athletics.
The Three A’s.  I like that.  We’ll follow up more next time.  In the meantime, beware.  This is not meant to be a ‘pro-athletics’ column, per se.  As a participant, coach, official, parent, fan, and stuffy academic professor, I’ve witnessed the addicting lure of the dark side of athletics.
But it is to say that athletics have played a role in my life, not just in school-related ways, but as a vehicle for growth, development, and perspective as well.  The coaches like to call it ‘character building’, and I don’t think that’s far from wrong.
A lingering question: As we continue to prepare our students for life, should we acknowledge, encourage, and stimulate the role of athletics (and the arts!) in their lives – or at least prepare them to examine that role for themselves?  And by so doing, might we not make them better participants, patrons, fans, and even adults?