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Rollin’ Down the River
Hurry and get settled in – the trip is about to begin!
During the summer of 2016, Larry Campbell set out from Three Forks, MT, and followed the Missouri River (by car) from its source all the way through seven states of the Upper Midwest and Midwest to its majestic confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis.
Join Larry as he revisits his magnificent adventure through pictures and stories of the River, its life, and its culture.
Experience the breathtaking scenery that adorns the 2,341-mile path of the River. Visit the historical sites along the River—many marking the exploration of Lewis and Clark more than two centuries ago. Visit the various ‘river cities’ – both large and small – along the way.
And finally – meet the fantastic hosts and colorful personalities the author encountered and befriended during what he called “the trip of a lifetime on what is arguably the most unique river in the world!”

Along The Way With Larry Campbell —— Read Rollin’ Down the River, the book that started with an inherited idea, and ended with an amazing road trip!
There is only one river with a personality, a sense of humor, and a woman’s caprice; a river that goes traveling sidewise, that interferes in politics, rearranges geography, and dabbles in real estate; a river that plays hide and seek with you today and tomorrow follows you around like a pet dog with a dynamite cracker tied to his tail. That river is the Missouri.”
— George Fitch