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Speaking Engagements
Need an entertaining and thought-provoking speaker for a civic club, PTA, or related event? A multitude of topics and talks can be arranged, of varying lengths, as tailored to the group and the interests. Civic talks are usually free of charge. Sample topics:
Program Topics
Larry Campbell, Branson, MO
All programs will adapt to various time restrictions and group needs.
NEW in 2022: What the Heck is the Tao Te Ching? An overview of and introduction to one of the classic “manuals for living”. Translated more than any book but the Bible, this non-religious book of 81 verses is full of wisdome from start to finish. We take a closer look, and also investigate why there are so many different translations.
Other Topics:
- Rollin’ Down the River, Part I An overview of a 2016 7-week trip (by car) exploring the Missouri River from its source in Three Forks, MT to near St. Louis where it flows into the Mississippi. Powerpoint, with pictures. Contains some interesting general facts and trivia along with lots of pictures of the River itself, and other extras.
- Rollin’ Down the River, Part II A continuation of the above, with emphasis on the various cities, people and other adventures along the trip. Powerpoint, with pictures.
- Lewis and Clark and the Missouri River A brief overview of the Missouri River part of the Lewis & Clark expedition, with stories and pictures of places visited in Summer 2016.
- Interesting and Weird Mathematicians, Part I Interesting and humorous anecdotes about mathematicians. Light and fun. Powerpoint, with some pictures.
- Interesting and Weird Mathematicians, Part II A continuation of the stories and anecdotes from above.
- Math is Not a Four-Letter Word Different options available. Can either be light, with fun number patterns and facts, or more serious, addressing various issues in mathematics education today (calculators, assessment, basic skills, etc.)
- Spitballs from the Back Row A collection of stories & incidents from the classroom, along with implications for education.
- Ozarks Scenes and Seasons A collection of photographs showing the beauty and diversity of the Ozarks.
- From Maine to Alaska; Across the Pond Similar to above, only with a national or international focus.
- Various ‘Travelogues’ Focusing on one area of the United States or a foreign country. Lots of options available.