Posts in Brain Teasers

May/June ’16 Brain Teasers

A palindrome is a number, like 535, that reads the same forward or backward.  How many palindromes are there between 10 & 1000? A cheetah was[…]

April ’16 Brain Teasers

1. After a singularly dull lecture that followed a formal dinner, a man walked up to the lecturer and said, “Strikingly unoriginal.  I have a[…]

March ’16 Brain Teasers

Judo and karate contests take place on square mats.  The karate mat is 8 meters on a side, while the judo mat has 4 times[…]

February ’16 Brain Teasers

1. What can you hold in your left hand, but not your right hand? (Multiple answers?) 2.  In the US, 5/2 means May 2, but[…]

January ’16 Brain Teasers

 Answer either or both:  If you could spend $1 a minute,  how long would it take you to spend $1,000,000?  If you spent a $20[…]

December ’15 Brain Teasers

1.   2.   3.  Mr. Brown has 6 black gloves and 6 brown gloves in his closet. He blindly picks up some gloves from[…]

Nov ’15 BTs – Campbell’s Bonus Solution

Further disclaimer:  This is my solution.  There’s always the chance I could be missing something.  If so, I’d love to hear from you!!  🙂 Note first that a[…]

November Brain Teasers

Posted 11/2/15: 1.  What 3 letters can be rearranged to form a beverage, a verb, or a homonym? (Is that term still used?) 2.  A plane crashes on the border[…]

Brain Teasers 15-14: October 2015

Posted 10/5/15: 1.  Homer’s mother has four children.  Three of the children are named Spring, Summer, and Autumn.  What is the name of the 4th[…]

Brain Teasers 15-13 – September 2015

Posted 9/7:  Three”Real World” Brain Teasers Where Math Can Help 🙂 Ralph found an ad for a lot that was advertised as ‘one acre by one-half acre’[…]

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