Posts in Birthdays

December Birthdays

Here are the known subscriber birthdays in December: 1 – Liz Dow 2 – Craig Carothers 4 – Don Hayes 5 – Dan (the Man) Mathis[…]

November Birthdays

Known subscriber birthdays in November:  (Have you sent us your birthday yet?) 1 – Ann McCoy 1 – Dick Erickson 2 – Katie Pope Garrett[…]

October Birthdays

Here is a list of the (known) subscriber birthdays in October.  (If you haven’t sent in your BD, feel free to do so!) 1 –[…]

September Birthdays

Here is a list of the (known) September birthdays of subscribers.  If your birthday is this month and your date isn’t listed here, let us know![…]

August Birthdays

Here is a list of the (known) August birthdays of subscribers.  If your birthday is this month and your date isn’t listed here, let us[…]

July Birthdays

Known subscriber birthdays in July: 8 – Todd Parnell 11 – Mike Brown 13 – Daphne Happy 14 – Terri Weiersmueller 16 – Fran Forester[…]

June Birthdays

Here is a list of the known subscriber birthdays in June:  (Should YOU be on this list?  Fess up!) 2 – Amanda Schweissguth 5 – John Duffy 9 –[…]

May Birthdays

Known subscriber birthdays in May:  1 – Terri Ryan 2 – Nancy English 7 – Cindy Bryant 15 – Treanna Giles 15 – Patti Duffy[…]

April Birthdays

Here is a list of the known subscriber birthdays.   (Now would be a good time to update us, if you have an April BD, and[…]

March Birthdays

Here are the (known*) subscriber birthdays in March.   Happy Birthday to all!!   1 – Terry Goodman 3 – Deborah Barker 12 – Gabe[…]

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