Brain Teasers – Jul/Aug 2021

NOTE:  Newest BTs in red, Bonuses in blue, comments in green, updates in purple. Consider the complement of any acute angle and the supplement of any obtuse angle.  Is one of those always bigger (which one?) or might they vary? Consider any positive rational number and that number’s square root. .  Is one of those […]

Facts, Fears, and Perspectives

Further, I guess I don’t even see any real harm in asking tougher questions like “have some institutions, laws, etc actually undermined progress in eliminating racism?”  If the answer is no, there was no harm in asking.  If the answer is yes, there is plenty of harm in not asking.

Critical Race Theory: What do you THINK?

Talk about ‘hot-button words’! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much passion (dare I say fear?) generated by such a nebulously defined (at least to me, at this point) topic!  And so, we have our latest controversy in society and in education. This will not be a column about Critical Race Theory (CRT) itself. […]