Posts by Larry Campbell

April Birthdays

Here is a list of the known subscriber birthdays.   (Now would be a good time to update us, if you have an April BD, and[…]

Cookbook Olio – Jerry Johnson

 About the Author:  Jerry Johnson I have known Jerry – and his wife Millie – Johnson for decades.  Jerry and Millie have been (Jerry is officially[…]

Creativity Challenges for Word Lovers – and Others!

Some weeks back, one of the Brain Teasers asked what was unique about a given paragraph. Turns out the paragraph did not contain the letter[…]

Krazy Pic 15-4

Am I Too Cynical?  Could this Be Real?

Hypatia of Alexandria

First Woman in Math?  Brilliant Life, Tragic Death Hypatia of Alexandria (approx 360 – 415 AD) is generally considered as the first woman mentioned in the[…]

Pi Trivia Quiz – Answers

Click on this link to see the Pi Trivia Quiz Answers:  PiTriviaQuiz.Answers.Update (Note: Depending on how you view this PPT, you may not be able[…]

Town Name!

Imagine the return address on the envelope!! A Closer Look . . . (which reveals the ‘translation’ also)! Closer still . . . .?

Brain Teasers 15 – 6

NEW THIS WEEK: 1.  How many three digit numbers consist of only odd digits?  Is the answer the same for even digits? 2.  Why/when is[…]

Pi Day of Century T-shirt

Here is the shirt itself:  (note the color!  🙂 ).  See Pic 2 for a closer look at the printing.

Pi Jokes/Riddles

Here are a couple of my favorite Jokes/Riddles related to PI.  I’m sure some of you have your own favorites – and if you submit[…]

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