4 thoughts on “Amazing Location – Ronda, Spain

  1. I am so glad that you included this picture! It is the perfect vantage point to appreciate the fine bridge!

  2. Wow! I would love to go there. The Feel Ronda tour may be beyond my physical ability though. And, my Spanish is limited. Do townspeople speak English? I believe that the Spanish there is different from what we typically learn in school.

    1. Yeah, it was a fascinating visit. It was practically two decades ago, so my memory is not to be trusted. But I don’t recall having any trouble communicating. But that was semi-universal: So many folks had command of 2 or 3 languages, at least, in most places we visited (especially those that get tourists!). It always made me feel envious and embarrassingly provincial. But I guess when you live in the Midwest, literally hundreds of miles from another language-speaking country that’s the way you grow up.

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