New Book: An Unexpected Glitch


Not long after the last mailing, the first official batch of my new books arrived ! Content of the book  aside (others can judge that), I was most pleased with the look of the book – inside and out – until I looked at the back cover.

Somewhere between the cover my editor and I submitted (which you may see here), the cover on the proof copy (essentially the same), and the covers on these books, the margins on the back cover had become way too small. 

Apparently, the back cover is within their “acceptable margins of error”, so there’s not much we can do about it on that score. (And luckily it wasn’t a huge order!)  But we have fixed things (we hope)!  We reduced the margins on our end, re-submitted the cover, and have another order already coming – expected to arrive very soon.

I’m aware that this glitch is “merely cosmetic” and doesn’t really affect the book itself, but – as you can imagine – I don’t like it!!  So, I’m going to make my lemons into your lemonade!!

For More Details on the “Make Lemonade Sale”, click this link!

For an overview of the book itself, visit this Parallel Tao Te Ching page.


For more information on the Tao Te Ching itself, visit this What’s the Tao Te Ching? page.