Brain Teasers – Jan/Feb 2021

NOTE:  Newest BTs in red, Bonuses in blue, comments in green, updates in purple.

  1. Why are some folks already looking forward to Jan 1, ’23 at 5:08:13?
  2. What is an interesting feature of the three words job, polish, and herb? (Yes, probably lots of ‘correct’ answers.)
  3. Find a number less than 100 that is increased by one-fifth of its value when its digits are reversed.
  4. You close your book, forgetting to put in a bookmark, but you remember (who knows why?) that the product of the pages is 16002. What were the page numbers?
  5. A square plot of 160 acres is surrounded by a fence of total length 2 miles. How large a square plot will a fence of four miles surround?
  6. In what order are the following digits? 0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4, 5,
  7. Al, Joe, Carl, and Dave were standing in line. Dave was not first, Joe was between Al and Carl.  Al was between Dave and Joe.  In what order were they standing?
  8. This BT is stated as a question, so let’s go with it. If you think the answer is YES, solve it.  If you think it is NO, tell why.His Ex-Wife - Chapter 21 - Wattpad
  9. 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 + 1 = ________
  10. 10.You have $6.60 in dimes and quarters (only).  If there are 36 coins how many quarters to you have?
  11. What is exactly (in fraction form) the sum of ½ and ¼ ?
  12. Your “I Love Math” club contains 6 men and 4 women. How many different committees of 2 men and 3 women are possible?
  13. How many squares (of any size) are in the drawing below?
    Image preview
  14. X is Y’s brother, but Y is not X’s brother. Who is Y?
  15. How many cards must you draw from a standard 52-card deck to be sure that at least two are from the same suit?

BONUS 1:  See #13 above.  How many rectangles are in the picture.  (I don’t know this answer!  It just came up in the Fun With Math Class. I’d LOVE to hear your conjectures.[I’ve heard one already.])
BONUS 2:  See #15 above.  How many would you have to draw to make sure you had at least 2 hearts?

7 thoughts on “Brain Teasers – Jan/Feb 2021

  1. BT#2…Each word has two different pronunciations depending on whether the first letter of the word is Upper or lower case.
    BT#8…NO. Whichever number from the given set you choose to begin with, no two of the others total its difference, nor is any one of them half its difference from 30.
    BT#9…4. Multiply 1×0 first, then add the other four ones.

  2. 1) The date and time are the first 7 digits in the Fibonacci sequence
    2) I found 2 things: They cannot be rearranged to spell other words AND they are capitonyms (words that have a different meaning when capitalized). I will admit that I finally resorted to Google after I had exhausted every idea I had – I usually try to figure it out on my own!
    3) 45 – when one fifth of its value (9) is added to it, you get 54
    4) pages 126 & 127
    5) 640 acres **I give Darrell credit for this – one of the benefits of being married to a farmer! In case you didn’t know this, 640 square acres is called a section of land.
    6) numbers are in REVERSE alphabetical order by spelling
    7) 1st to last: Carl, Joe, Al, Dave
    8) I think it is NOT solvable because the sum of any 2 odd numbers is even, and there are no even numbers then to give a sum of 30. (This is assuming that all 3 boxes must contain a number from the list of choices.)
    9) 4
    10) 16 dimes and 20 quarters (I LOVE solving systems of equations! 🙂
    11) 1/2 + 1/4 = 3/4 (Is this a trick question???)
    12) 60 different committees
    13) 40 total squares (8+18+9+4+1)

  3. BT#14…Y is X’s sister
    BT#15…14 cards need to be drawn if the first 13 are all the same suit.

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