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The Three R’s, the Three A’s, and the Three C’s
There’s nothing like a good mnemonic to help remember an important fact, set of instructions, or other useful associations. How many of us can still recite the colors of the rainbow thanks to our classroom chum ROY G BIV?
So, it’s not unusual that ‘The Three R’s’ (Reading, [w]Riting, and ‘Rithmetic) mnemonic has been a handy shortcut summary of our school experiences for a century or two. We rarely think much about it. But as society becomes more complex – and certainly more technological – the phrase seems to be a narrower and narrower slice of the overall picture of our educational goals and experiences.
Should we think about a replacement? Relax – I’m not starting a crusade or endangering a sacred cow. I’m just wondering if we might ponder some different nouns to help remind us, with a fresh perspective, of things we value for our future citizens.
Let’s take a look at just three of these mnemonics I have seen. What do you think?
The Three R’s
Apparently, this phrase first appeared in print as a space-filler in “The Lady’s Magazine” for 1818. (Thanks, Google!) My guess is that most of us associate it with the rather-addicting Chorus from ‘School Days’, recordings of which go as far back as at least 1907.
The mnemonic is certainly still useful. It’s hard to imagine three more important ‘life skills’ than reading, writing (as in communicating), and a sound knowledge of when/how to use basic arithmetic and math skills. But stopping there seems more and more premature these days. (In math parlance, we might say the skills are ‘necessary, but not sufficient’.)
The Three A’s: Academics, Athletics, and the Arts
In the mid ‘90s, I encountered a music teacher at a conference for math teachers! He said he attended similar meetings in other professions to get fresh ideas he could use in his field! He suggested that the three R’s ought to be these three A’s instead.
For a great perspective on factors and influences that influence a future well-rounded adult’s life, I think I like this one best. And in today’s world of physically unfit individuals and arts-slashing in schools, that’s an important trio.
But it seems almost as (overly?) broad as the first one is (overly?) narrow. And maybe not completely applicable to ‘education’? (I can imagine being ‘educated’ while being unfit, but I can’t imagine being illiterate and being viewed as ‘educated’).
The Four C’s: Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Communicating, and Collaborating.
I ran into this one on a website called Thoughtful Learning ( There were also extensive further descriptions of each trait.
I really like these four too! Wouldn’t it be wonderful for all our students to develop these skills as they head out into the ‘real world’? Indeed, I’ve advocated and written about creative/critical thinking here before. So, I’m not sure why I hesitate. But, to me, these almost (not quite) feel more narrowly oriented toward business. In some ways, I’d even say the collection is almost as narrow as the three R’s, but in a much more sophisticated way. Does that make sense?
In passing, by the way, after these past few months/years, I’d be tempted to add a Fifth C: Civics/Civility/Citizenship. Take your choice.
So, what do you think? Do you have a favorite or a new one of your own? As always, these thoughts underscore the difficulty in trying to summarize the enormously complex process of education. Ideally, of course, we could have a combination of all these things! What about the mnemonic ‘CAR-CRAC-CAR’ to incorporate them all? All we need is a catchy tune.