Holiday-to-Holiday Drawing & Giveaway!

Starting on Memorial Day (May 25), 2020 all the way through July 3, (with drawing on July 4th!), you will be able to enter this Drawing as many times as you like.  Here’s how it will work:

1. One Entry Each 

A) Every time you suggest someone who becomes a new subscriber (see #2 below)  to the Mailings, you will receive credit for one entry.

B) Submit solutions (correct or not) to at least 3 Brain Teasers (or at least 1 Bonus), and you will receive credit for one entry. Up to 2 entries total may be earned this way. (See # 3 below)

2. Two Entries Each 

A)  For each copy of Spitballs From the Back Row you purchase at the special Drawing price ($12 Softcover, $16 Hardback), you will receive credit for two entries.  For more information on the book, see Spitballs.

B)  Give some feedback on the Bi-Weekly Mailings. We’ve been doing these for awhile – how can we freshen them up? (Suggested content:  What you like, what you don’t, new features you’d like to see, ideas for topics, suggestions of any kind, etc.)  Feedback can be good, bad, short, or lengthy, but if some thought has been given, you’ll receive credit for two entries.  (Perfunctory submissions may only receive one entry, but the bar is not high 🙂 ).

3. Three Entries Each  For each copy of Rollin’ Down the River you purchase at the special Drawing price ($28), you will receive credit for three entries.  For more information on the book, see Rollin’ 

Each purchased book will be signed (if you wish), and SHIPPING IS FREE.  

(Still time for Father’s Day! :-))

To submit/confirm entries, contact me directly (reply) or use the CONTACT page, and we will coordinate all details.

Fine Print & Other Details

1. A person may choose to qualify for as many entries as they like.   A) One person may not win both prizes, but B) after two winners are determined, if one winner has more entries, they will get first choice of which book they want.  (Otherwise, first name drawn gets first choice.)
2. To be eligible for entries via #1A above, I must be assured that each new subscriber is willing (your word or theirs), and subscriber may not unsubscribe before receiving at least two Mailings. 🙂
3. Concerning BT submissions:  A) Subscribers with over 5 submissions (before June 14) will be contacted and awarded one entry each..  Other subscribers with entries (before June 14) will be contacted, and only need to submit ONE MORE solution to qualify for one entry.  After any subscriber has earned one entry, he/she my earn one more (up to 2 total) with submission of solutions to 3 more BTs or 1 more Bonus.
4.  Entry period runs until NOON on July 3, 2020.  Drawing will be held on July 4th, 2020 with two winners each receiving one of the books. Every effort will be made to match winners to preferred book, if at all possible (See also #1). Books delivered within one week, postage free.
5. Tom Elpel’s book for the drawing is signed.  Jerry Johnson’s is not.  (Jerry’s sales are all through Amazon.)
6. I reserve the right to postpone the Drawing and extend the Giveaway period if there are not at least 5 entries by July 3.  Update: this condition has been met.  There will be a Drawing on July 4.


Typically, these kinds of events/activities haven’t generated a lot of participation. (See # 4 above.)  This is fine, of course, but  the likelihood of a relatively small number of entries also greatly increases each entry’s probability of winning!  And there are two prizes, so . . .