Split Classes and Country Schools

After recent descriptions of my second/third grade ‘split class’ experience, I was surprised and delighted to hear from several readers about their own country schools experiences growing up.  Such a marvelous variety!  I heard of experiences from several different places across the USA, and I was intrigued by the similar-but-different nature of these circumstances.
I’m fascinated by these country school stories, for reasons I can’t yet fully articulate. Unfortunately, I’ve had to edit these for space reasons – I wish I could include more. 
Perhaps there will be further thoughts later, but for today, let’s just pull up a chair and listen. (Names used are with permission.)  

Jackie Kay Buckley:  I attended Sherwood school in Springfield. At that time, it was either 2 rooms with 4 grades in each room or 3 rooms with 2 grades in 2 rooms and 4 in the other.  I think Greene county schools only included 8 grades back then. 

Bob Egbert:  I was subjected to not one, but two, split classes.  Actually, I think the split classes helped as I was in the lower class both times!

Bob Stueven:  My wife and I both knew country schools in Nebraska.  She went to a one room school in Webster County and I went to a larger school, in Hall County.  We had 2 rooms – K to 4 in one room and 5 to 8 in the other.  There was no indoor plumbing and water was from a pump outside the front door.  

At the time I did not realize it but being able to listen to the other classes was very helpful.  It was like being in an advanced class except for the eighth grade. One disadvantage was moving from a class of two to a high school graduation class of 272. Because of the good teachers I had, the transition was easier for me than some.

Sue Jackson:  I went to a 4-room school in Arlington, VA.  No kindergarten at that time. The 4 rooms were grade 1 and part of 2; the rest of 2 and 3; 4th and part of 5th; and the principal taught the rest of 5th and 6th.  There were two gyms with the boys entering school through their gym and girls via theirs.  All the kids on our street walked about a mile to school together – no buses for grade school – and we collected others along the way.  

Verna Garcia: I am a life-time resident of Garden City, KS, and, was raised on a farm near here. I attended a one room school (built in 1919) from first grade through 7th grade. I always loved the old country schools and how all ages interacted together. The older students always watched out for the younger ones and were good role models to them.  I believe we learned more, and retained that information, in those schools.  Maybe our subconscious overheard and retained the info while teachers were teaching the grades above us.

Another reader:  I grew up in Wyoming in the country and attended a one room school for eight years. The building was perhaps 20 by 20 feet square. There were also outhouses, and we carried water for washing and drinking. There was no electricity in the beginning, and there was a small coal stove for heating. In principle it could have all eight grades, but the enrollment ranged from 2 to about 15 total.

I loved these stories!  If you have others or even comments, I’d love to hear them.