Daring December Discounts!! Don’t Delay!

I’m in a unique position this year-end.  My Rollin’ Down the River books have been selling relatively steadily for over a year now, and I’d like to keep that momentum going.  At the same time, Spitballs From the Back Row has only been out a month or so, and is just starting to gain some traction.  Naturally, I’d like to continue jump-starting that, as well.  Add to that a desire to participate in the Holiday/Christmas Spirit, and we have a fun win/win!!  The following discounts (on signed books) are available NOW, and will continue through the end of December:

30% OFF:

Buy one of EACH book and receive 30% off.  Total price:  $35

25% OFF:

All copies of Rollin’ Down the River are 25% off.  Total price:  $26.25

20% OFF:

All copies of Spitballs From the Back Row are 20% off.   $12 (Softcover) or $20 (Hardcover)

10% OFF:

While they last, the remaining Premium Limited Collector’s Editions (with perks) of  Spitballs From the Back Row  are 10% off.  Total price:  $18 (Softcover) or $29.80 (Hardcover)


Reply to this e-mail and/or use the Contact Form.


1.  The ‘combo’ discount for one of each book includes the paperback version of SBR.  Inquire about the Hardback, if desired.
2.  All books are signed editions.
3.  Upon receipt of order, you will receive personalized response with payment options and other details.
4.  Prices are good through December only.  Some of these may never return.  🙂