It Could Be Verse – 5/28/18

I wonder why “the cows came home”

I wonder why they chose to roam!?

I wonder how a cell phone works

I wonder why some folks are jerks.

I wonder lots of things these days.

(How healthy is my mayonnaise?)

My ‘wonders’ surface all the time

Without a reason or a rhyme

I wonder what these questions show . .

Is this how old age lets you know?

If so, I guess I’ll spend my days

Checking out my mayonnaise.

The questions come, the questions go

I guess I’ll never really know.


2 thoughts on “It Could Be Verse – 5/28/18

  1. and though we grow a lil’ old; there are those who still hold our words and wit as nothing but, pure gold!
    appreciate you, coach; stay bold!!

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