May/June ’16 Brain Teasers

  1. palindrome is a number, like 535, that reads the same forward or backward.  How many palindromes are there between 10 & 1000?
  2. A cheetah was clocked running 550 feet in 10 seconds.  How many miles per hour is that?
  3. The sum of A & B is 112.  If A is 4 more than C, and B is 2 less than C, what does C equal?
  4. Name two consecutive prime numbers whose product is 899.
  5. If you omit the digit common to both numerator and denominator of 26/65, you don’t change its value, because 26/65 = 2/5.  There are several fractions with that weird trait.  Can you find at least one more? (As always, a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will not get full credit. :-)).
  6. Find the first place where there are three (3) consecutive integers which are all composite (not prime & not 0 or 1). [BONUS:  Can you do the same for 4?  5?  Any number?]
  7. Which of these is the biggest (largest in value) fraction?  3/7, 4/9, 2/5
  8.  True or False:  A)  If the sum of two numbers is even, then both numbers are even.  B)  If the product of two numbers is even, then both numbers are even. C) A number with 5 factors is always bigger than another number with 4 factors.
  9. True or False:  I can’t seem to format the question parts in #8 so that they will number and indent correctly.
  10. Every day from June 10 to June 19 this month was a palindrome!  (Reading the same front and back, disregarding punctuation – see also BT#1).  E.g. June 16:  6/16/16.  Cool!!  For this BT, A)  When did such a string last occur, if ever?  B)  When will it next occur, if ever?
  11. Alice won’t take part in the play if Betty is in it!  But Charles will only participate if Alice is in it.  The producer insists that one of the girls be in the play, and two people are needed total.  Who is in the play?
  12. Find positive integers a, b, c such that 1/a + 1/b + 1/c = 1.


Brain Teasers


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