Poisonous Quotes

All quotes taken from The Guinness Book of Poisonous Quotes compiled by Colin Jarman (Contemporary Books)

  • In California, they don’t throw their garbage away – they make it into TV shows.  Woody Allen

  • Beethoven’s last quartets were written by a deaf man and should only be listened to by a deaf man.   Sir Thomas Beecham

  • Don’t stay away from church because there are so many hypocrites.  There’s always room for one more.  A.R. Adams

  • An Englishman will burn his bed to catch a flea.  Turkish proverb

From January, 2016:

  • Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress, but I repeat myself.    Mark Twain

  • He’s the kind of guy, who if you say “Hiya Clark, how are ya?,” he’s stuck for an answer.  Ava Gardner on Clark Gable.

  • When an opera star sings her head off, she usually improves her appearance.  Victor Borge

  • The best time I had with Joan Crawford was when I pushed her down the stairs in ‘Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?’  Bette Davis



Poisonous Quotes


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