1. How many three digit numbers consist of only odd digits? Is the answer the same for even digits?
2. Why/when is FOUR half of FIVE? (Hint: It’s the middle half!)
3. Using the numbers 3,3,7, and 7, along with any of the +, -, x (or *), /, and parentheses, obtain a total of 24. (There are at least 2 ways to do this – maybe more.)
4. If nine thousand nine hundred and nine dollars is written as $9909, how should twelve thousand twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?
5. Susan and Lisa decided to bet on their tennis games over the course of one week. They bet $1 on each game. Susan won three bets and Lisa won $5. How many games did they play that week?
6. Sometimes the numbers displayed on a digital watch are in consecutive order, as in 2:34. How many times does this happen in a 12 hour period? (Note: I personally think there are [at least] two different ‘correct’ answers here, depending on your definitions. I’ll gladly take either if your explanations match.)
7. Still on the subject of watches: A man set two watches to the same time at midnight. He soon discovered that one of the watches was running 2 minutes/hour too slow and the other was running 1 minute/hour too fast. Later the same day, the faster one was exactly one hour ahead of the other one. What time was it?
8. What can be purchased at a hardware store that would be priced as follows (with no bulk pricing discounts)?
1 costs $1
12 costs $2
144 costs $3
9. If we’re asked “How many squares on a standard 8 x 8 checkerboard?”, our immediate answer might be 64. But those are just the ‘small’ squares. 🙂 There are other sized squares as well. So, how many total squares (of any size) are there on a standard 8 x 8 checkerboard?
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