It Could Be Verse! – 3/9/15

Today’s “Verse” popped into my head – almost written – a few years back while driving to work. I’ve altered is slightly to adjust for timing (I wrote it after Pi Day back then), and I’ll share it today, in honor of Pi Day, but also to allow you to wonder about me even more!  (Click “More” to finish the entire verse :-)).
Still spacing problems that I can’t seem to correct.  (Any WordPress experts out there?)

Ode to Pi Day


That’s this haunting phrase of mine 

It’s a ratio that’s divine



A)     Around the circle, mark the spot

B)      Through the center’s lonely dot

Take A to B and you will find



We’ll celebrated on Saturday

This ratio in a special way

Like a perfect glass of wine



But Pi Day leaves, and I confess

My weird old life becomes a mess

For here I sit and here I PIne

For 3.14159


But SOON, we’ll get to celebrate

That special day – 6/28

Not JUST two “perfects” will we find

But TWICE this special PI of mine!