
Garfield and His Millionth Meal!

Gotta love Garfield! Let’s have some fun.  Here are 3 related BT mini-challenges:
Answers are in red:
1.  Garfield says it’s noon.  Let’s suppose he’s been eating non-stop since midnight.  How fast would he have to eat meals to make his statement possible?  A little over 23 meals per second!!
2.  It doesn’t quite fit the cartoon’s punchline, but let’s suppose Garfield was talking about his lifetime.  We don’t know old Garfield is, so let’s ask for us – when did each of us eat our millionth meal – or have we?   So, let’s re-state this for the sake of uniformity:  Even if we allow ourselves 4 meals a day (have a snack!), how long did/will it take us to eat a million meals at that 4 meal/day average?  Almost (about 2 months short) 685 years!!  
3.  Let’s switch to money.  🙂  If we could consistently spend $20/minute, how long would it take us to spend $1,000,000?  Over a month!!  (34.7 days). (To see the solution of the 5th grade class of Alexis Avis, including hours and minutes, see HERE.  [There’s a link there to get you back here.] ) How about $50/minute?  Just short of two weeks (13.88 days)

2 thoughts on “Garfield.Million

  1. Not sure of the EXACT figures, but someone recently wrote something like, “It would take Bill Gates 168 years of spending a million dollars a day to spend all of his current wealth.” Another one is that the 6 Walton heirs share enough wealth to equal the total wealth of the bottom 50% of Americans.

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