Brain Teasers 15-2

All five of today’s Brain Teasers are ‘think outside the box’ problems.  You can’t really ‘figure’ any of them out in a traditional sense (except maybe #5).  Their nature is such that you may instantly see the answer to one or more of them, or you may have to struggle with one or more of them.  If you don’t see an answer right away, come back to it later!

1.  A murderer is condemned to death.  He has to choose between three rooms.  The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years.  Which room is safest for him?
2.  Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, or any of the months of the year?
3.  A man and his son are in a car wreck, and are taken to different hospitals.   At the emergency room of the hospital where the boy was taken, the attending physician gasps and says ” I can’t work on this patient – he’s my son!”  How can this be?
4.  This is an unusual paragraph.  I’m curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it.  It looks so plain you would think nothing is wrong with it.  In fact, nothing is wrong with it!  But it is unusual, though.  Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd.  But if you work at it a bit, you might find out.  Try to do so without any coaching!
5.  Ralph is trying to limit his coffee input, so he alternates days of drinking coffee and hot tea. He drinks coffee on odd-numbered mornings, and hot tea on even-numbered mornings  Further, he always allows himself coffee on Mondays, regardless of date.
He’s discovered that under these conditions, there are occasionally circumstances in which he could drink coffee for four straight days.  Can you deduce those circumstances?


Submit Answers!  There are NO tests and the answers are NOT graded, so lighten up!  🙂  If you want to submit  your answers to any or all of these, PLEASE feel free to do so!!  

You can always do this 3 ways:  1)  Use the Leave A Reply section below (though I may not make it public until after the deadline);   2) reply to (or contact) me directly by e-mail or by replying to any Weekly Sharing; or 3) by using the Contact Form link.   Your anonymity is protected for all formats (but only until submission deadline for the Leave a Reply format. )

Reminder:  Deadline for submissions (at least for recognition next week) is noon on Thursday 2/5.