Contest Winning Entries

Here are the winning entries in the September Contest:  (For some reason, I CANNOT seem to get Mike’s single-spaced!)

Mike Brown

A cannibal chief and his wife

Were fighting over a knife.

And after they fought,

She went into the pot,

And he had the feast of his life.

Alexis Avis

A cannibal chief and his wife
Were committed to each other for life,
But when news of a famine was known,
The widower, now full, is alone!

Bobbi Kneeshaw

A cannibal Chief and his wife
pondered their diet for life.

She said tall and lean with just a touch of mean.
He said they are too boney and too hard to clean.

He said short and fat, they’re tender and juicy.
She said no way–they take too long to cook and make the pot greasy.

They agreed that children are good for a snack
But if we take one families might not come back.

Another suggestion was to go vegetarian.
‘No one is healthier than the local librarian.

But she is just one
Then we’d be done.

The debate continued day in and day out
Until finally common sense seemed to shout:

Variety is the best way to go
We’ll move to Florida where choices are plentiful and SLOW!



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