There were six entries to the contest to develop a Verse using the first line “A cannibal chief and his wife”. Those entrants were as follows:
Mike Brown Bobbi Kneeshaw Alexis Avis
Cameron Short* LeAnne Dudley* Donna Majetic
* Fifth grade students of Alexis Avis 🙂
THERE IS A 3-WAY TIE!! The 5 various judges (see JUDGES) seemed impressed with ALL the entries, as almost every entry received at least one vote from a judge. (They had been asked to identify their TOP 3 choices), and NO entry received more than TWO (2) first place votes (this happened twice). But, collectively, the judges clearly had 3 overall favorites (all 1st place votes went to these three), and not one single favorite, so we will declare all 3 of those folks the winners. THESE WINNERS ARE . . . . .
Mike Brown, Bobbi Kneeshaw, and Alexis Avis
Congratulations Mike, Bobbi, and Alexis!!
To see the 3 winning entries, visit Winning Entries.