Brain Teasers #4

 1. The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States had the same mother and the same father, but were not brothers.  How could this be so?

2.  A man who was not wearing a parachute jumped out of a plane.  He landed on hard ground, yet he was unhurt.  Why?

Submit Answers!  There are NO tests and the answers are NOT graded, so lighten up!  🙂  If you want to submit  your answers to either or both of these, PLEASE feel free to do so!!  

You can do this 3 ways:  1)  Use the Leave A Reply section below (though I may not make it public until after Thursday noon);   2) reply to me individually by e-mail; or 3) by using the Contact Form link.   Except for using Leave a Reply, your anonymity is protected! 🙂
Next time around, I will share those who had correct solutions.  I may share FIRST correct submission, and depending on numbers and difficulties, I may share total number of submissions (but no names for incorrect submissions).  
Reminder:  Deadline for submissions (at least for recognition) is Thursday noon.


2 responses to “Brain Teasers #4”

  1. I am always suspicious when an answer pops into my head. I believe these questions are mind twisters and although my mind is twisted…it is usually twisted in a different way from everyone else.
    If these answers are too simple or stupid, please ignore. I am not a history buff but I’m saying the same man was president 2 different times.
    AND..the plane was parked when the man jumped out.

  2. 1. 22nd and 24th President was Grover Cleveland. Looked up the 22nd to see who it was and got it!
    2. Was the plane still on the ground?