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Changes for May 2015
There are some minor format changes in the MAY mailings, including a new GUEST VOICE feature every week!
For most of May, Pat and I will be in London (week), Paris (5 days), and Scotland (two weeks!). So, May’s Weekly Photo/Sharing mailings have been created ahead of time in a slightly altered and abbreviated format. These changes will be ONLY for May, and will begin with the May 4 mailing.
There will be no Wild Card features in May, and the regular features will not include a “Thoughts/Blog” (1st week) or a “Math Tidbit” (4th week) section. Instead the regular features will alternate between “It Could Be Verse” and “Aunt Edna’s Wisdom”.
On the other hand, there WILL be a Guest Voice feature for EACH mailing in May! The first Guest Voice appeared in March and was well-received, and I think you’ll like May’s ‘Voices’ just as much!! Be sure to each Monday’s Weekly Sharing through the end of May to learn more – you will not want to miss these!
NOTE: It is FINE – indeed encouraged! – to continue to make comments and/or respond by e-mail throughout May, as usual. I will be near e-mail all month (though I may not be too quick on any responses.) I’d LOVE to hear your reactions to the Guest Voices.
Again – with the exception of the GUEST VOICE feature (which will continue to appear periodically), these changes are for May only, and things will return to normal (?) in June. And, as you might imagine, the Weekly Photos this summer may have a distinctly British/French/Scottish feel to them!! 🙂